For those of you unfamiliar, the Vedas are the most sacred books of India, thought to be some of the earliest written works of their kind. Much like the Bible within the Christian religion, the Vedas hold the earliest religious writings of the Hindu religion. They are said to contain spiritual knowledge encompassing all aspects of living; a guide to Hindu thought and teachings. The word ‘Veda” translates to mean wisdom with their contents acting like a river of Hindu thought. Many believe that the writings are the language of the Hindu Gods, translated into words of human understanding. The laws within hold precedence and regulate Hindu society in social, domestic, legal, and religious matters still to this day.
Many wonder of the origin of the Vedas. We can only speculate as to when they first came into existence it was so long ago, however, by some they are thought to be the earliest works of human kind. Many believe that they were not written by humans at all, but by sages receiving sacred knowledge directly from the Gods themselves. Others believe that sages became enlightened with the ideas to write in the books through sacred transference of the Gods. Whether the Gods actually spoke to the sages or not, the knowledge within the Vedas is not only sacred, but still holds its magnificent power to this day.
The Vedas themselves are broken down into four main sections: hymns for singing, rituals for practice, theological thought, and philosophies. Although they are not widely read by followers in present days, the principles within are strictly followed.
In Hindu sculpture the Hindu goddess of Wisdom, Saraswati is often shown holding a copy of vedas. This is an apt book for the goddess of wisdom to carry as it holds the spiritual knowledge encompassing all aspects of living!